10/11/07 - American Nephrology Nurses' Association News and Events

Contact: Linda Alexander

856-256-2300, ext. 2411 • linda@ajj.com


American Nephrology Nurses’ Association (ANNA) News & Events


ANNA Launches Online Volunteer Database

With the need for volunteers increasing and the desire to volunteer growing, ANNA has launched ANNA Resource Corps (ARC), a Web-based program that matches the unique talents and skills of ANNA members with elected and appointed volunteer activities. The online volunteer database allows members to create and maintain a volunteer profile of experience, interests and availability. ANNA will use ARC to provide more volunteers in a more effective way to meet the rapidly growing and changing needs of the association. Volunteers must be ANNA members. For more information or to join ANNA, visit www.annanurse.org.

ANNA’s Annual ESRD Education Week Renamed Kidney Disease Awareness and

Education Week

ANNA recognizes that renal care encompasses dialysis, all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), transplant, and other specialty modalities. As such, the name of ANNA’s ongoing education campaign, ESRD Education Week, will be changed to Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week. In 2008, Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week will be held August 11-15*. The campaign will continue to educate state and federal lawmakers about renal disease and issues affecting the renal community and patient care. More information about Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week is available on ANNA’s Web site.


American Nephrology Nurses’ Association Fall Meeting for Nephrology Nurse Managers, Advanced Practice Nurses and Clinicians

October 20-22, 2007

Location: Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA

Contact: ANNA National Office; East Holly Avenue/Box 56; Pitman, NJ 08071-0056; Phone 888-600-2662; 856-256-2320; Fax 856-589-7463; e-mail: anna@ajj.com; Web site: www.annanurse.org.

Winter 2008 Audio Conference

February 5, 2008 (Northeast, Southeast, and North Central Regions)

February 12, 2008 (Western Region)

Title: “Taking the Mystery out of Continuous Renal Replacement”

Contact: ANNA National Office; East Holly Avenue/Box 56; Pitman, NJ 08071-0056; Phone 888-600-2662; 856-256-2320; Fax 856-589-7463; e-mail: anna@ajj.com; Web site: www.annanurse.org

American Nephrology Nurses’ Association 39th Annual National Symposium

April 27-30, 2008

Location: Philadelphia Marriott and PA Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA

Contact: ANNA National Office; East Holly Avenue/Box 56; Pitman, NJ 08071-0056; Phone 888-600-2662; 856-256-2320; Fax 856-589-7463; e-mail: anna@ajj.com; Web site: www.annanurse.org.

Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week

August 11-15, 2008*

This award-winning campaign has helped improve care for renal patients through key legislation. ANNA members use this week to educate lawmakers and/or their aides about renal disease and issues affecting the renal community and patient care. More information about Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week is available on ANNA’s Web site.

National Nephrology Nurses Week

September 14-20, 2008

ANNA has designated the second full week in September each year as “National Nephrology Nurses Week.” Employers and others may take this opportunity to recognize and reward nephrology nurses for their work and dedication. Nephrology Nurses Week is also meant to spark interest in other nurses to discover the many career opportunities available in this exciting specialty. For more information about Nephrology Nurses Week, visit www.annanurse.org/NNW.


ANNA will advance nephrology nursing practice and positively influence outcomes for patients with kidney disease through advocacy, scholarship, and excellence.

*The dates for Kidney Disease Awareness and Education Week 2008 have been changed to coincide with Congress’ summer recess.