ANNA's Online Library offers education at your fingertips. Below is a highlight of some of the educational opportunities available. ANNA members receive many special offers and discounts or free content in the Online Library. If you are not an ANNA member, join now to take advantage of these valuable member benefits!
Online Library
Free Educational Activities
Each month, ANNA offers current members a free educational activity in the Online Library.
Access the Current Free Offering
Nephrology Specialty Education Packages
Educational programs are available for nurses practicing in nephrology specialty areas: Acute Care, Administration, Advanced Practice, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Pediatrics, Peritoneal Dialysis & Home Therapies, and Transplant. Each package features an assortment of educational content from ANNA national conferences and offers over 6.0 contact hours or more! ANNA members receive a 50% discount off the regular purchase price.
Go to Specialty Education Packages
Nephrology Nursing Journal (NNJ) Archives
The Online Library features the complete NNJ article archive - from January 2000 to the current issue. Search NNJ articles by keyword, author, volume/issue, or contact hour availability. ANNA members have FREE access to all journal articles; nonmembers can access journal content for a fee.
Tips for Searching for Journal Articles Offering Contact Hours in the Online Library
National Symposium and Fall Meeting Content
If you register for an ANNA national event, you have unlimited free access to the educational content for that event in the Online Library. Access includes multimedia streaming and downloading. You can "attend" any sessions you may have missed and earn additional contact hours (processing fees apply). If you did not attend the event, you can purchase access to the educational sessions and earn contact hours (processing fees apply).
"Hot Session" Packages featuring popular sessions also are available:
Group Access to ANNA Event Sessions
ANNA chapters and hospitals/facilities may request Group Access to sessions from ANNA Symposia and Fall Meetings at a special discounted rate. Minimum group participation is required.
What is the group access program?
ANNA offers a bulk rate for access to sessions and preconference workshops from the ANNA National Symposia and Nephrology Nursing Practice, Management, & Leadership Conferences (audio recordings, handouts, and contact hour evaluations all available in the ANNA Online Library).
How does the program work?
Your facility/chapter provides a completed Group Access Form at least 2 weeks before access is needed.
Approximately 2 weeks after form is received and payment has been processed, you will receive a special code and instructions that chapter members/facility employees use to redeem access to the purchased content. Content includes audio recordings, handouts, and contact hour evaluations. This special code includes a maximum number of users as agreed upon (and can only be redeemed up to the number of licenses purchased).
There are three ways that a licensed program can be offered:
- Independent Study – Simply purchase group for employees/chapter members to participate in the program online, on their schedule (as an independent study).
- Host an Event – Purchase group access, but then host an event in which the session is projected onto a big screen. Attendees then go online to complete the contact hour evaluation.
- Hybrid Event – Invite speakers who are qualified to present the content contained within the program and host it “live” so that a qualified speaker can handle a Q&A session. Then, attendees go online to review the ALL content and complete the contact hour evaluation.
- Note – If this option is used, you must disclose that the contact hours awarded are for the content in the library, NOT for the content that the speaker presents. The speaker is simply a means to enhance the event.
IMPORTANT – If you choose to use the group access as an event (options 2 & 3 above), you will need to have a registration process in place and a registration cut-off date. Once a license is purchased, it cannot be added to.
Questions? Contact Celess Tyrell at celess.tyrell@annanurse.org
Additional Educational Opportunities
Browse the Online Library for additional educational opportunities, including:
- Certification Review Course
- Educational Modules: Nursing Care of the Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in ANY Setting
- Educational Modules: Research
- CExpress
- Webinars
American Nephrology Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.