
The American Nephrology Nurses Association improves members' lives through education, advocacy, networking, and science.
Please note: Membership dues are non-refundable, nor can they be transferred to another individual.
ANNA is committed to advancing the nephrology nursing specialty and nurturing every ANNA member. We achieve these goals by providing the highest quality educational products, programs, and services. Our members are leaders who advocate for patients, mentor each other, and lobby legislators, all to inspire excellence.

FREE NCPD opportunities offered monthly in the ANNA Online Library (minimum 12 per year); Nephrology Nursing Journal (bimonthly); ANNA Update, official newsletter (bimonthly); ANNA Online Library featuring on-demand educational opportunities; Free access to your contact hour transcript

ANNA Connected (online professional networking site), Open Forum (online discussion group within ANNA Connected), Specialty Practice Networks, Member-focused website, Connections with colleagues through local chapters

High-quality educational programs, Reduced registration fees for nationally sponsored educational programs, Discounts on professional resources and publications, More than $100,000 in awards, scholarships, and grants

Volunteer opportunities at local and national levels; Leadership training and development; Access to leadership resources, a comprehensive selection of leadership and management resources for nephrology nurses

Enhance your nursing practice and hone your leadership skills at our American Nephrology Nurses Association events such as our National Symposium, LEAD Leadership Education and Development, and Nephrology Nursing Summit. These dynamic educational programs addresses current issues and trends in nephrology nursing practice, management, and leadership all while allowing you to connect with your peers and unwind on vacation if you chose in-person options!

Dream about contributing to the betterment of health equity, particularly in Nephrology Nursing? American Nephrology Nurses Association is at the forefront of giving a voice to our nurses, patients, and specialty as a whole. Get involved and make a lasting difference with us!
- Health policy and legislative representation for nephrology nurses - ANNA is your voice in Washington, DC!
- Free access to VoterVoice, ANNA’s legislative advocacy action service
- Discount on professional liability insurance through Nurses Service Organization
- Reduced fees for certification exams and recertification through the Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission (NNCC)
- Tuition discounts through Walden University
- New! Exclusive savings on theme parks, hotels, attractions, movie tickets, tours, shows, and more through MemberDeals
- The opportunity to elect your leaders
- Choice of electronic only versions of journal and newsletter
- Any registered nurse licensed in the United States, Canada, or Mexico who is interested in the care of nephrology patients is eligible for active membership.
- Full membership benefits apply.
- All licensed practical/vocational nurses, technicians, dietitians, social workers, physicians, and others interested in the care of nephrology patients qualify for associate membership.
- Associate members have all the privileges of active membership, except voting, holding office, serving as chairpersons of standing committees, or serving on certain committees.
- International membership is available to registered nurses living outside of North America.
- Full membership benefits apply.
- Any student who is not an RN and is enrolled in a nursing program leading to licensure as an ADN or RN is eligible for a 1-year student membership.
- Student members have all the privileges of active membership, except voting, holding office, serving as chairpersons of standing committees, or serving on certain committees.
- Virtual student members do not receive print materials, but are notified via email of the availability of materials online (Nephrology Nursing Journal, ANNA Update, conference program/registration information, etc.).
- Senior Membership is available to anyone currently holding Full Membership and who has maintained Full Membership for at least 5 years prior to age 65.
- Full membership benefits apply.
- Senior Membership requires a special application and proof of age.
FREE Virtual Student Membership
At ANNA, student nurses are special. We support you and strive to offer you resources and experiences to launch your career in nursing. Take advantage of all that ANNA has to offer!
The advantages of an ANNA Virtual Student Membership include:
- networking in ANNA Connected, an online community of nephrology nurses
- access to the digital edition of the Nephrology Nursing Journal
- free NCPD opportunities in the ANNA Online Library
- and much more!
Any student within a nursing program leading to licensure as a registered nurse (RN) is eligible for a 1-year student membership. (If a student has already attained RN status, the member is considered a full member and student membership does not apply.) To apply for student membership, please complete the online Virtual Student Membership application and attach current proof of your student status/enrollment.
Virtual Student Membership Application
Please note: After clicking the above link, you will be prompted to create an account with ANNA prior to completing the student membership application form.

ANNA Ambassador Program
The ANNA Ambassador Program is an exciting new way to recognize current members for sharing their enthusiasm for ANNA with colleagues!
Any FULL member who recruits 5 new members and retains 5 current members during the period of March 16, 2023, through February 16, 2024 (the early bird registration deadline for the 2024 ANNA Symposium), will be named an ANNA Ambassador. The new Ambassador will receive:
- complimentary registration for the 2024 ANNA National Symposium (travel not included),
- an ANNA Ambassador pin, and
- an ANNA Ambassador recognition ribbon.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What is the ANNA Ambassador Program?
- This program is an exciting new way for current members to share their enthusiasm for ANNA.
- Participation is open to all FULL members in good standing.
- There is no limit to the number of Ambassadors ANNA will appoint.
- This is an ongoing program and Ambassador appointment can be earned multiple years in a row.
2. How can I participate in the program?
- Recruit and retain at least 10 members during the open period.
- 5 of the 10 members must be NEW members (or a returning lapsed member of at least 3 years), and 5 members must be RENEWING members (retained members).
- The current recruitment period is from March 16, 2023 to February 16, 2024 (the early bird registration deadline for the 2024 ANNA National Symposium).
- Download the Ambassador Application Information Form, complete the form, and email it to Emily Parry, Membership Services Coordinator, at the ANNA National Office ( by February 16, 2024.
3. What are the rewards?
- Complimentary registration to the 2024 ANNA National Symposium (travel, hotel accommodations, per diem, and preconference registration NOT included)
- Complimentary registration may be used for in-person or livestream attendance and must be used for the 2024 ANNA National Symposium. Registration cannot be deferred.
- ANNA Ambassador pin
- Use of ANNA Ambassador title in emails and chapter events
- ANNA Ambassador recognition ribbon
- If ANNA Ambassador title is attained for 3 years in a row, you will be noted as an ANNA Distinguished Ambassador, receive complimentary registration, and receive a $500 grant to attend the next Symposium in person.
‘Go Green’ with Electronic Delivery of ANNA Publications
This membership option enables you to select how you would like to receive your copies of ANNA’s bimonthly newsletter and journal. “Go Green” and receive electronic editions only of the ANNA Update and the Nephrology Nursing Journal. The electronic editions provide a mobile-friendly reading experience, enabling you to access the newsletter and journal anywhere, anytime on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
When you renew your ANNA membership, you can opt to receive both the printed copies AND the electronic versions of the newsletter and journal. Or you may select the “Go Green” option and choose to receive ONLY the electronic editions of these publications.
To exercise this option at any time during your membership cycle, simply update your ANNA member account (view tutorial/instructions below). Or you may may contact the ANNA National Office to request a staff member to adjust your membership account. Likewise, if you have second thoughts and would like to resume delivery of the printed copies of ANNA publications, you can notify the National Office to adjust your membership status to enable receipt of printed materials in the future.
How to Update Your ANNA Member Account Preferences
Learn More about Nephrology Nursing