Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title. Order copies online via the Store. To order by mail or fax, download a printable order form.
Acute Care Orientation Manual and Assessment Tools (eBook) © 2017
This electronic resource provides both an orientation overview for the acute care nurse new to nephrology or the veteran nephrology nurse who is mentoring a nurse new to the specialty. This edition includes an updated module on Hemodialysis and three new modules on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Peritoneal Dialysis, and Therapeutic Apheresis, which further reflect the diversity of acute nephrology practice. Each module includes an overview of the topic as well as a list of skills that relate to that topic. (338 pages)
Acute Care Orientation Manual Module 1 ~ Hemodialysis (eBook) © 2017
This electronic resource provides both an orientation overview for the acute care nurse new to nephrology or the veteran nephrology nurses who is mentoring a nurse new to the specialty. The module includes an overview and a list of skills that relate to hemodialysis. (117 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-43-9)
Acute Care Orientation Manual Module 2 ~ Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (eBook) © 2017
This electronic resource provides both an orientation overview for the acute care nurse new to nephrology or the veteran nephrology nurses who is mentoring a nurse new to the specialty. The module includes an overview and a list of skills that relate to continuous renal replacement therapy. (81 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-44-6)
Acute Care Orientation Manual Module 3 ~ Peritoneal Dialysis (eBook) © 2017
This electronic resource provides both an orientation overview for the acute care nurse new to nephrology or the veteran nephrology nurses who is mentoring a nurse new to the specialty. The module includes an overview and a list of skills that relate to peritoneal dialysis. (71 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-45-3)
Acute Care Orientation Manual Module 4 ~ Therapeutic Apheresis (eBook) © 2017
This electronic resource provides both an orientation overview for the acute care nurse new to nephrology or the veteran nephrology nurses who is mentoring a nurse new to the specialty. The module includes an overview and a list of skills that relate to hemodialysis. (69 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-46-0)
Contemporary Nephrology Nursing (4th Edition) © 2022
The 2022 edition of Contemporary Nephrology Nursing serves as a guide to promote excellent patient outcomes using evidence-based nephrology nursing care and is a valuable resource for all nurses caring for patients with kidney disease. This edition includes 60 chapters, featuring new chapters covering the span of nephrology nursing practice, including antibiotic stewardship, active medical management without dialysis, oral health, genetics, quality assurance, telehealth, social determinants of health, and complementary therapies. Each chapter displays Nursing Alerts that present the latest evidence related to chapter topics. Each chapter also offers self-assessment questions and nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) credit opportunities. Over 95 contact hours and 14.25 pharmacology credits are available. (1,498 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-72-9)
Note: Individuals may apply for contact hours by reading a chapter and completing the evaluation form for that chapter (processing fees apply). Click here to complete the evaluation process the ANNA Online Library.
Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing (7th Edition) © 2020
This comprehensive, peer-reviewed resource sets the standard for nephrology nursing clinical practice. Written by experts in the field, the 2020 edition presents the newest information regarding kidney disease, its treatment, and the nursing care involved. New and updated content reflects current policy and terminology, including health information technology, collaboration with ESRD Networks, economics of ESRD reimbursement, nutritional needs of patients undergoing bariatric surgery, nutritional needs of pregnant patients, advance care planning, palliative care, and end-of-life care. The seventh edition contains almost 1,800 pages divided into two hardcover volumes, includes self-assessment questions, and provides more than 60 nursing continuing professional development contact hours. (1,792 pages, ISBN 978-1-940325-61-3)
Note: Individuals may apply for contact hours by reading a chapter and completing the evaluation form for that chapter (processing fees apply). Click here to complete the evaluation process the ANNA Online Library.
Nephrology Nursing Certification Review Guide © 2021 (6th edition)
The 2021 edition of the Nephrology Nursing Certification Review Guide is an excellent resource to assist professionals in preparing for the Certified Nephrology Nurse (CNN), the Certified Dialysis Nurse (CDN), and the Certified Nephrology Nurse – Nurse Practitioner (CNN-NP) exams. The review guide includes comprehensive case studies and more than 275 questions covering multiple areas within the specialty, a practice test answer key with rationale, references and additional readings, and sections on critical thinking related to test taking. Focus areas include Concepts of Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Transplantation, Acute Care, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. This resource can be used in conjunction with other primary sources, such as the Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing, Seventh Edition, as a study guide for the nephrology nursing certification exams. (84 pages; ISBN 978-1-940325-68-2)
Note: This edition offers the opportunity to earn contact hours (processing fees apply). Click here to complete the evaluation process the ANNA Online Library.
The Nephrology Nursing Journal is designed to meet the education and information needs of nephrology nurses in a variety of roles at all levels of practice. Its content expands the knowledge base for nephrology nurses, stimulates professional growth, guides research-based practice, presents new technological developments, and provides a forum for review of critical issues promoting the advancement of nephrology nursing practice.
This publication contains two sections reprinted from the Nephrology Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice book (7th Edition). The contents deal with the nephrology nursing process for continuous renal replacement therapy and apheresis and therapeutic plasma exchange. The book is published by the American Nephrology Nurses Association and is endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. (39 pages)
Nephrology Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice © 2022 (9th edition)
The Nephrology Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (9th Edition) provides a method of defining the scope of nephrology nursing practice and a conduit for evaluating that practice. This resource serves as a guide in identifying nephrology nurses’ responsibilities to their profession, their colleagues, and the healthcare consumer. (207 pages; ISBN 978-1-940325-76-7)
American Nephrology Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
*Canadian customers, please be advised that your order will incur a tax when being processed at the border. You will be responsible for any and all fees.
Reprint Permission Policy
It is the policy of ANNA that text from individual chapters contained within ANNA's educational resources (textbooks, standards, etc.) may not be reprinted in whole or in part for any reason. ANNA will not grant permission for such requests. However, ANNA will consider requests for the use of figures and tables that appear in ANNA's educational resources. To request permission for the use of figures and/or tables only, please contact Carol Ford, Managing Editor, at carol.ford@ajj.com.
Nephrology Nursing Journal
ANNA will consider requests for the use of articles, figures, and tables published in Nephrology Nursing Journal. To request permission for any published material from Nephrology Nursing Journal, please contact Ellen Green, Editorial Coordinator, at ellen.green@ajj.com.
E-News, Fact Sheets
ANNA will consider requests for the use of articles, figures, and tables published in the ANNA E-News or its Fact Sheets. To request permission for any published material from Nephrology Nursing Journal, please contact Aynsley Meshanic, Editorial Coordinator, at aynsley.meshanic@ajj.com.