ANNA Member Spotlight

Welcome to ANNA's monthly member spotlight. ANNA is a vibrant organization because of nurses like you! Your diverse experiences and unique perspectives make us a collective whole that is a masterpiece. We are proud of the work each of you do!

If you would like to be featured, participate in our online community, ANNA Connected. Members are featured in the Member Spotlight based on their engagement in ANNA Connected, so start connecting, talking, and getting to know other ANNA members via ANNA Connected.

Joni-Jill Tobrocke, RN, CNN

PD Coordinator

UVM at CVPH/American Renal Associates

Plattsburgh, NY

Northeast Tri-State Chapter #120

How long have you been a nurse?

I have been a nurse for 42 years. I worked on a medical-surgical floor for 2 years and then ICU for 4 years. I started working in hemodialysis in January 1984. At that time, it was a small six station hemodialysis only unit. I had done acute peritoneal dialysis (PD) in ICU in the early 1980s and was not a fan of it. In 1987, I was asked to assist in setting up and opening a PD unit. Today, I'm still teaching people to do at home what was done only in our critical care unit years ago, and I find that fascinating!

How long have you been in nephrology?

I was hired in nephrology by Wanda Flynn. She was passionate about RN professionalism and maintaining very high standards of care for our patients. She encouraged me to join ANNA, which led me to become certified (CNN) in 1989, a certification I have maintained ever since. Wanda introduced me to national conferences and guided me through my first abstract/poster presentations. She taught me to take every opportunity to learn and develop. ANNA has helped me to grow professionally by networking with other nephrology experts – keeping up with the latest developments and solutions and continuously seeking and then sharing new knowledge with the team at work.

Why do you love nephrology nursing?

I love the autonomy nephrology nursing offers, and the ability to build a long-term relationship with my patients. I enjoy teaching them and feeling that I am able to help them make choices that will improve their quality of life. I like utilizing a goal-directed approach and working as a team to achieve desired patient outcomes. I feel appreciated and respected by my patients and their families. I value the dialysis staff who work so hard for the good of their patients, and the physicians who work with the nurses and rely on our knowledge and skills. I have been blessed with a wonderful career in nephrology nursing!

What do you value most about your ANNA membership?

I find the Open Forum in ANNA Connected very valuable to my practice. I have learned from what other nurses have posted and have had so many of my own questions or problems addressed via the Forum. I also find the free educational opportunities offered every month very beneficial in maintaining my certification. Even after 36 years in dialysis, I am still learning all the time.

Share an interesting fact about yourself.

I was pregnant with my first child when I started in nephrology. I now have three amazing adult children, ages 31-36. When I am not working, I love being with family and traveling. I am a founding member and coordinator of a local Nursing Honor Guard that pays tribute to deceased colleagues who have dedicated their lives to nursing.